Keeping Children Safe
If you have any concerns relating to the safety of the children in school please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Neenan (Headteacher) or Mrs Chapman (Deputy Headteacher) who is the Deputy Safeguarding Lead on 0121 357 3216.
In addition, the Governor responsible for Child Protection is Mrs Jayne Logue who can be contacted through the School Office on 0121 357 3216.
Click here to read our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy (September 2023).
Click here to find out more information about safeguarding and protecting children (link to Sandwell Safeguarding Children Board).
If a child is at imminent significant risk of harm / immediate danger, you should consider calling 999 in the first instance (for Police or an Ambulance) and contacting children's social care by telephoning Sandwell's Contact Centre on 0845 351 0131 (out of office hours is the same number).